Herarti RugHerarti Rug

Herarti Rug

Hand knotted in India
Late 20th C
3.08m x 2.04m
10' 1" x 6' 8"
Qashgai Carpet - Rugs of PetworthQashgai Carpet - Rugs of Petworth

Qashgai Rug

Hand knotted (Persian)
Wool on wool
2.87m x 2.09m
9' 5" x 6' 10"
Qashgai RugQashgai Rug

Qashgai Rug

Hand knotted (Persian)
Wool on wool
3.11m x 2.04m
10' 2" x 6' 8"
Afshah RugAfshah Rug

Afshah Rug

Hand knotted (Persian)
Wool on wool
3.11m x 1.94m
10' 2" x 6' 4"

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